eco friendly packaging self care

Our commitment to the environment

eco-friendly packaging. Plastic free self care

Just like you, we love Earth - the beautiful planet we all call home. That's why we always try our best to minimize our impact on the environment in a meaningful way. Here are our promises:

- We do not push the responsibility on our customers to recycle. Instead, we reduce unnecessary packing and shipping materials while also reusing the materials we get from our suppliers and everyday life.

- We don't use plastic in our packaging. Most of them are made of paper and are recyclable and compostable. Products that don't need packages to protect them will be shipped naked.

- We always try our best to improve our ingredients and formulas. By simply switching to bar soaps, you've already reduced the number of plastic bottles that would go into the environment. Bar soaps also need less water and energy to produce. Innovations are being made every day in the beauty industry and we will try to keep up so we can offer the best products to our customers.

- We are open to feedback. As a small business, we are not perfect so we always listen to our customers' wishes and try to fulfill them. Don't hesitate to contact us via social media or email!


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